Precious Metal Relic


Precious Metal Relic photographed March 7th, 2013

West side of Vine St. between Lexington Ave. & Santa Monica Blvd., L.A., CA

I stepped away from shooting this payphone & the guy pictured above walked up to it & checked out the wires —– possibly looking for valuable copper wire…..???


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PLAY DIRTY Relic photographed March 5th, 2013

East side of S. La Brea Ave. between Beverly Blvd. & W. 1st St., L.A., CA

While shooting these pics I was approached by a gentleman waiting for his car to be serviced.  He asked what I was shooting & when I told him he let me know his past payphone story — he had owned a restaurant & had a payphone inside whose owners paid him a percentage each month of what they made.  He said the highest it got was $200 – $300 per month & then slowly but surely decreased until they ultimately asked him to pay them for their ‘services’…