Double Exposure with MOTHERBOARDS

Mboarda Mboardb Mboardc Mboardd Mboarde Mboardf Mboardg Mboardh Mboardi Double Exposure with MOTHERBOARDS was shot in Palm Springs and Los Angeles in April of 2015.  The Motherboards were acquired in Ventura the year prior at a downtown thrift shop.  Further conversation about communication relics.  I once again used my Canon 620 35mm film camera with 800sp Kodak Portra film.

Double and Triple Exposures Spring to Fall

1deserted1 2palmcity 3newsie 4waterballet 5rosy 6pox 7capitoloflove 10orperish 11trapped 8hallowed12biter9scaryladies

These shots were taken with my vintage 1980s Canon EOS 620 35mm film camera.  (Thanks Daniel!!!)  What’s extra special about this model is that it has a built in function that allows for up to 9 exposures per shot.  For this round of images, which I began shooting in West Hollywood at the annual Halloween Carnival on Santa Monica Blvd. and ended in the Coachella Valley Desert, I shot both double & triple exposures using Kodak 800 speed Portra film.

The yellow and green image above with the floral motif is a triplicate —>>> using the 2nd volume of Laura Lee Burroughs’ ‘Flower Arranging A Fascinating Hobby’ as inspiration. —>>> coca

The mother of author William S. Burroughs, she forged a working relationship with the Coca-Cola corporation in the early 1940s and they published three flower arranging books together.

Images from her books that were exhibited in Sweden in 2013 at  —>>>lauraleeburroughs